Visual-Environment - Integrated Pre and Post Environment for LS-DYNA
Visual-Environment (VE) is an open collaborative engineering environment framework or platform called as Open VTOS (Virtual Try-Out Space). VE is an integrated suite of solutions, which has different contexts seamlessly linked for Crash and Safety, Durability, NVH and others. The applications of interest for supporting LS-DYNA based processes are: Visual-Crash DYNA (VCD)-a pre processor for LS-DYNA, Visual-SAFE-an advanced pre-processor for safety features, Visual-Mesh a general purpose mesher, Visual-Viewer (VVI)-a general purpose plotting and simulation application, Visual, Visual-Process Executive-an application for CAE process customization and repetitive tasks automation. These are some of the contexts available in VE but focused to support LS-DYNA. Globalization, new regulations and changes in technologies are influencing the simulation life cycle. These changes are driving the pre and post processing environments for remarkable improvement in productivity, usability and innovative approaches. This paper describes the key features of Visual-Environment 4.0 for LS-DYNA and usefulness of these features in Crash and Safety simulation with productivity examples and process automation.
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