A constitutive model for thermoplastics with some applications
A constitutive model for thermoplastics is outlined in this paper. The model consists of two parts: A hyperelastic-viscoplastic response due to intermolecular resistance denoted Part A, and an entropic hyperelastic response due to re-orientation of molecular chains called Part B. Both parts are developed within a framework for finite strains. The main constituents are the Neo-Hookean model describing large elastic deformations, the pressure-sensitive Raghava yield function, a non-associated visco-plastic flow potential and Anand’s stress- stretch relation representing the intramolecular stiffness. The 11 non-zero coefficients of the model are identified from uniaxial tension and compression tests on two materials, HDPE and PVC, which are respectively semi-crystalline and amorphous thermoplastics. Subsequently, it is employed in numerical simulations of three-point bending tests on the same materials. The model gives satisfactory predictions when compared to experimental behaviour.
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