Enhanced Simulation Models for Lower Extremity Injuries
H. Ipek (DaimlerChrysler AG); Prof. H. Steffan (Universität Graz); M. Hofinger (DSD Linz); B. Keding (FH Lausitz); Z. Karacay (Universität Stuttgart) The number of lower extremity injuries due to frontal car crashes is still high. Lower extremity injuries need a long term treatment and cause high treatment costs. Standard anthropometric test devices are not sufficient in detecting these kinds of injuries during hardware tests. Simulation models of the human body offer a new way to investigate these kinds of impact conditions. In this study the THUMS Model (Total Human Model for Safety) has been used [1]. The model has been modified at the lower extremity joint locations, especially at the knee joint. The simulation has been compared to Hybrid III dummy sled tests which were carried out at the Technical University of Graz. The sled was equipped with force measuring load cells at each knee contacting area (for each knee). The results of these tests have been used, to validate the calculated forces in the sled model. The model allows simulating the motion of the lower legs for different kinds of accident situations including intrusions in the leg and feet area. Bone motion and ligament loads can be simulated and injury risk can be predicted. The paper reports a study with the THUMS model which has been used for lower extremity loading and has been validated and compared in its kinematics behaviour with Hybrid III Dummy sled tests. Further studies with pedal interactions and dashboard contacts can now be performed.
Enhanced Simulation Models for Lower Extremity Injuries
H. Ipek (DaimlerChrysler AG); Prof. H. Steffan (Universität Graz); M. Hofinger (DSD Linz); B. Keding (FH Lausitz); Z. Karacay (Universität Stuttgart) The number of lower extremity injuries due to frontal car crashes is still high. Lower extremity injuries need a long term treatment and cause high treatment costs. Standard anthropometric test devices are not sufficient in detecting these kinds of injuries during hardware tests. Simulation models of the human body offer a new way to investigate these kinds of impact conditions. In this study the THUMS Model (Total Human Model for Safety) has been used [1]. The model has been modified at the lower extremity joint locations, especially at the knee joint. The simulation has been compared to Hybrid III dummy sled tests which were carried out at the Technical University of Graz. The sled was equipped with force measuring load cells at each knee contacting area (for each knee). The results of these tests have been used, to validate the calculated forces in the sled model. The model allows simulating the motion of the lower legs for different kinds of accident situations including intrusions in the leg and feet area. Bone motion and ligament loads can be simulated and injury risk can be predicted. The paper reports a study with the THUMS model which has been used for lower extremity loading and has been validated and compared in its kinematics behaviour with Hybrid III Dummy sled tests. Further studies with pedal interactions and dashboard contacts can now be performed.