Prozessnahe Umformsimulation des Presshärtens mit LS-DYNA
At present, hot stamping represents an innovative manufacturing process for forming high strength steels, implying a sheet at austenite temperature being rapidly cooled down and formed into a die at the same time (quenching). This forming process is used for the manufacturing of automobile structural components with a strength of up to 1500 MPa, thus enabling extensive cost savings and good crash performance. Better formability at elevated temperatures and lower springback are further advantages of parts formed by hot stamping. The Finite Element Analysis is an essential precondition for a good process design including all process parameters. This paper presents the finite element simulation of a hot stamping process by means of experimentally calculated material and process data.
Prozessnahe Umformsimulation des Presshärtens mit LS-DYNA
At present, hot stamping represents an innovative manufacturing process for forming high strength steels, implying a sheet at austenite temperature being rapidly cooled down and formed into a die at the same time (quenching). This forming process is used for the manufacturing of automobile structural components with a strength of up to 1500 MPa, thus enabling extensive cost savings and good crash performance. Better formability at elevated temperatures and lower springback are further advantages of parts formed by hot stamping. The Finite Element Analysis is an essential precondition for a good process design including all process parameters. This paper presents the finite element simulation of a hot stamping process by means of experimentally calculated material and process data.