Topology and Geometry Based Structure Optimization using Implicit Parametric Models1 and LS-OPT
Today’s vehicle development process demands for quick evaluation of new designs considering the various attributes in the conceptual phase. Various CAx tools and methods are essential to realize these assessments in a very narrow time frame. New design variants with desired criteria should be quickly created and analyzed. Beside NVH behavior and other criteria crash safety needs to be addressed too as early as possible. Synergy in CAE analysis and geometry description is an absolute necessity for a seamless vehicle development process. Where to position beads and how to shape these beads considering the design space and manufacture criteria is a challenging task. Geometry based shape and topology optimization is an enabler for such a seamless vehicle development process. Function driven geometry and geometric requirements based on other criteria are the key factors to determine the design space and the non-design space. Application of realistic load cases based on experience and best practices is a prerequisite for optimization. The geometry based topology and shape optimization offers the necessary flexibility in proposing new design alternatives by modifying the geometry and respecting the manufacturability aspects. This procedure includes more valuable “engineering” information compared to the knowledge of “material distribution” of the standard topology optimization. This paper describes the feasibility of above mentioned seamless vehicle development network where CAE analyses and geometry description go hand in hand. To demonstrate this, optimization of a crash box of a car body structure by inserting and optimizing the position and shape of beads is carried out.
Topology and Geometry Based Structure Optimization using Implicit Parametric Models1 and LS-OPT
Today’s vehicle development process demands for quick evaluation of new designs considering the various attributes in the conceptual phase. Various CAx tools and methods are essential to realize these assessments in a very narrow time frame. New design variants with desired criteria should be quickly created and analyzed. Beside NVH behavior and other criteria crash safety needs to be addressed too as early as possible. Synergy in CAE analysis and geometry description is an absolute necessity for a seamless vehicle development process. Where to position beads and how to shape these beads considering the design space and manufacture criteria is a challenging task. Geometry based shape and topology optimization is an enabler for such a seamless vehicle development process. Function driven geometry and geometric requirements based on other criteria are the key factors to determine the design space and the non-design space. Application of realistic load cases based on experience and best practices is a prerequisite for optimization. The geometry based topology and shape optimization offers the necessary flexibility in proposing new design alternatives by modifying the geometry and respecting the manufacturability aspects. This procedure includes more valuable “engineering” information compared to the knowledge of “material distribution” of the standard topology optimization. This paper describes the feasibility of above mentioned seamless vehicle development network where CAE analyses and geometry description go hand in hand. To demonstrate this, optimization of a crash box of a car body structure by inserting and optimizing the position and shape of beads is carried out.