
DM.hsp-tailor eliminates redundant information from d3hsp or messag files in order to keep the files small.

purpose: hsp-tailor eliminates redundant information from d3hsp or messag files in order to keep the files small, eg

  • long failed element reports
  • nodal coordinates
  • element connectivities
  • nodal initial velocities
  • temperature data with zero values
  • contact segment lists
  • ... optional other data like
    • midface penetration warnings
    • general warnings
    • friction tables
    • pressure boundary condition cards
    • temperature initial or boundary conditions
    • initial stress shell data
usage: hsp-tailor [options] messag-file[s]


-list list file size and reduction factors
-nodigit eliminate "digitized curve data" too
-noadded eliminate "added mass" reports too
-nofric eliminate "friction table" echo too
-nopres eliminate "pressure b.c." reports
-nowarn eliminate all kind of warnings (" *** Warning ")
-no40487 eliminate warnings 40487 (SOL+487)
-nospot eliminate contact-spotweld slave-master list
-nosep eliminate spotweld warnings "Moved node <NID> due to separation on SI"
-noinistrs eliminate "initial stresses for shells/solids" list
-notempini eliminate "temperature initial conditions" list
-notempbc eliminate "temperature boundary conditions" list
-nomid ### eliminate contact midface penetration warnings
eg "-nomid 11" -> interface ID 11 only
eg "-nomid 0-10000" -> slave node IDs in range from 0-10000
-contseg keep contact slave/master nodal segment data
-temp keep full "temperature data" report
(Default: eliminate entries with zero values)
-replace replace existing messag file by modified file
(Default: create <mesfil>.mod)
-gzip gzip resulting file
-lastsumm write last summary report for failed elements at the end
-version version info

Example: % hsp-tailor -repl mes* d3hsp