Unterstützung modul-basierter Arbeitsweise mit MEDINA/SDM
Support of modul based mode of operation within MEDINA/SDM The current existing functionality in MEDINA/SDM is extended for administration of moduls used for assembly of complex structure. In addition existing process definition tools are configured to integrate check functions as well as visualisation out of the viewer environment. Using the selection of components, assemblies of the complete structure can be defined, using site specific rules, and stored as assembly definition tables. These tables are enabled to start processes for example to generate input decks – and as basic selection for variations of the structure model.
Unterstützung modul-basierter Arbeitsweise mit MEDINA/SDM
Support of modul based mode of operation within MEDINA/SDM The current existing functionality in MEDINA/SDM is extended for administration of moduls used for assembly of complex structure. In addition existing process definition tools are configured to integrate check functions as well as visualisation out of the viewer environment. Using the selection of components, assemblies of the complete structure can be defined, using site specific rules, and stored as assembly definition tables. These tables are enabled to start processes for example to generate input decks – and as basic selection for variations of the structure model.