A Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow in Circular U-Bend
A numerical investigation of Turbulent flows through a circular 180° curved bend with defined as the bend mean radius to pipe diameter for a Reynolds number of 4.45×104 is presented in this study . The computation domain is performed for a U-Bend with full long pipes at the entrance and at the exit. Two turbulence models were tested in this work. The commercial software ANSYS FLUENT is used to solve the steady Reynolds– Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The numerical results were compared with experimental data for presenting their capabilities to capture the formation and extend this turbulence driven vortex.
A Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow in Circular U-Bend
A numerical investigation of Turbulent flows through a circular 180° curved bend with defined as the bend mean radius to pipe diameter for a Reynolds number of 4.45×104 is presented in this study . The computation domain is performed for a U-Bend with full long pipes at the entrance and at the exit. Two turbulence models were tested in this work. The commercial software ANSYS FLUENT is used to solve the steady Reynolds– Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The numerical results were compared with experimental data for presenting their capabilities to capture the formation and extend this turbulence driven vortex.