Topology Optimization of Crash Structures - Creativity Versus Computer-Based Algorithms
The development of crash-loaded structures is still ambitious, especially if topology and shape variations have to be taken into account [1]. The research project CRASH-TOPO „Methodical and Software-Technical Implementation of Topology Optimization for Crash-loaded Vehicle Structures“ founded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) work in this area. Research partners are the Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V. (asc(s), the DYNAmore GmbH, the SFE GmbH and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Associated partners are Daimler, Opel, Porsche and the Goethe-University Frankfurt. The part of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is the development of the combined topology and shape optimization of profile structures (especially aluminium extrusion components) considering all relevant crash loads. We have an outer loop for the topology changes done by design rules and an inner loop for the shape variation done by mathematical optimization algorithms (using LS-OPT). The flexible description of the geometry is done by a mathematical graph together with the CAE software SFE CONCEPT. The crash simulation is done by LS-DYNA.
Topology Optimization of Crash Structures - Creativity Versus Computer-Based Algorithms
The development of crash-loaded structures is still ambitious, especially if topology and shape variations have to be taken into account [1]. The research project CRASH-TOPO „Methodical and Software-Technical Implementation of Topology Optimization for Crash-loaded Vehicle Structures“ founded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) work in this area. Research partners are the Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V. (asc(s), the DYNAmore GmbH, the SFE GmbH and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Associated partners are Daimler, Opel, Porsche and the Goethe-University Frankfurt. The part of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is the development of the combined topology and shape optimization of profile structures (especially aluminium extrusion components) considering all relevant crash loads. We have an outer loop for the topology changes done by design rules and an inner loop for the shape variation done by mathematical optimization algorithms (using LS-OPT). The flexible description of the geometry is done by a mathematical graph together with the CAE software SFE CONCEPT. The crash simulation is done by LS-DYNA.